Our Partners




“Reaching and transforming communities by planting seeds of change, raising leaders, empowering women to become entrepreneurs, and helping to lift families out of poverty. Through the sponsorship program, we are changing the future of kids living in impoverished communities and helping them to dream big and restoring hope and dignity for survivors of commercial sex trafficking.” JKPS

We have come alongside JKPS in helping to secure and regulate scholarships for their beneficiaries’ educational needs. To learn more about this organization and the work they do in Kolkata, India, please visit their website here.


Jeevan Aadhar

“Jeevan Aadhar values each life as unique and special and empowers survivors of violent sexual oppression to reach their full potential in becoming important dignified contributors to society. Jeevan Aadhar provides housing, education, therapy and community to survivors bringing them to a place of wholeness while preparing them for reintegration to everyday life. We do this by having group homes where these young women live in a loving family style environment. Through this process we are able to guide each survivor through the process of building self-worth and self-respect. This environment also allows for these young women to learn skills necessary for independent living.” JA

We are excited to turn our friendship with Jeevan Aadhar into a partnership. We look forward to supporting them in their mission to empower survivors of trafficking. To learn more about this mission and their work in Mumbai, India, please visit their website here.


On-the-ground Nepal Partner

We partner with a local organization through on-the-ground support, provision of academic scholarships, and trip organization.


FIVE14 Adventure and Travel

“Adventure that Matters” - Five14 is a group of social businesses working together to provide jobs and prevent exploitation in Nepal. The lead company is Five14 Adventure and Travel, hosting visitors on the trip of a lifetime, off the beaten path, into rural Nepali villages that are highly vulnerable to exploitation and human trafficking. Tourism in these areas helps to create and sustain local jobs, providing alternatives to exploitation. Five14 Bed and Breakfast, Kairos Cafe and Catering, serve adventure guests providing comfortable lodging with a full service restaurant and catering company where at risk youth are hired and taught essential job skills, providing an environment for growth. Five14 Foundation is the nonprofit side of the group, working to create small businesses and provide school scholarships for rural Nepali children.

We partner with Five14 to host adventure and service project trips, helping rural Nepalis to have sustainable employment through tourism. To learn more about this group of social businesses and their opportunities throughout Nepal, visit their website here.